working harder for less results?
having difficulty creating a business that excites you?
procrastinating important things?
But what if you had permission to play by your design?
Purpose Driven Coaching is designed to help you find YOUR professional purpose and and make the biggest impact possible. Imagine what your business and life will look like when you have clarity and confidence and a game-plan that works!
Execute & Get Coached
Have a purpose driven business
Make an impact on others
Discover what your true gifts are
Create processes that make your work feel like fun
Scale your business
Lead better, recruit better, sell better, and live better?
We succeed when we work from our gifts, talents, and assets.
You can create a PROCESS from your PURPOSE.
It's only hard if you make it that way.
We can transform our business and life to create what we want from what we already have.
After leaving teaching for the only job I said I'd never do, I found my way to the top quickly, but there was a cost. I chained myself to long hours, and the arduous challenges that come with sales and was rewarded with recognition and money, but I almost surrendered something even more important. "What would it profit a man if he were to gain the wholeworld, but lose his own soul. Or what would a man give in exchange for his soul?"It took a failed business to see that I was failing at home and losing my soul-the things that were most important to me.
From the bottom of a difficult pit, I vowed to live a life of joy, and purpose-on my terms. I have been doing that now for 10 years, and that has brought so many adventures for my family and I. I now focus my attention on helping others to do meaningful and productive work and to live lives connected to purpose and joy.
I am an expert at helping leaders to help their teams come alive to their vision and ignite their gifts in a predictable and powerful way. I do this through speaking, workshops, webinars, and coaching. As an adventurer who has been traveling the world with our 8 children, and doing the impossible, I am hoping to prove to others that they can have the life they want to have-RIGHT NOW.